“No, you can’t” – An answer to avoid

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As developers, the ability to confidently say “no” is essential. We must be assertive in declining unreasonable requests or unrealistic deadlines, lest we create expectations we cannot meet. While the fear of negative judgment, being perceived as lazy or incompetent, or being overly eager to please can hinder our ability to say no, developing this skill is crucial. It is better to practice actively saying “no” to protect our time, capabilities, and ongoing responsibilities.

While saying “no” is essential, it’s not the sole solution. Our primary responsibility lies in providing effective solutions, not simply dismissing challenges or passing the buck. If we adopt an avoidance approach, we’ll miss out on valuable opportunities to refine our skills and showcase our expertise. Moreover, stakeholders will consistently seek alternative solutions, either by seeking a second opinion or escalating the issue to a higher authority, where our ability to decline will be more restricted.

Effectively handling negative responses requires the provision of context and alternative solutions. Explaining the reasons behind a declining decision and proposing viable alternatives significantly alters the perception of our response, transforming it from a dismissive “no, I don’t want to” or “no, I can’t” to a proactive “no, but we could consider options x, y, and z” or “no, while it’s not feasible at this stage, let’s incorporate it into future iterations”.

Why “No, You Can’t” is Problematic

An outright and consistently negative response can have several potential negative impacts on team morale and communication:

To foster a culture of trust, collaboration, and openness to innovation, we must cultivate open communication channels that nurture constructive feedback. This approach is essential for fostering a supportive environment where team members feel empowered to share ideas, experiment, and grow professionally.

Alternative Approaches to Saying “No”

The word “no” holds significant power, empowering us to take charge by engaging in a thorough understanding of the request. An immediate “no” is not always necessary; active listening and engaging in conversation to gather more information are crucial. We must strive to make our counterpart feel the effort put into communication before we respond. With this in mind, once we reach a decision to decline, we must articulate the reasons behind our decision, based on the information provided, and propose alternative solutions that align with the project’s goals and technical constraints.

This is true most of the time, but sometimes we encounter impossible requests. In such cases, after active listening, it’s perfectly fine not to provide alternatives. However, it’s important to explain why we are 100% sure that these requests cannot be fulfilled.

Benefits of Saying No Effectively

It’s crucial to grasp, and effectively communicate to others, how a request might jeopardize the ongoing work and how an overloaded workload could lead to team burnout. By saying “no” effectively, we’re not only safeguarding ourselves but also our teammates and the overall project success. Additionally, it’s essential to strategically select the battles we engage in:

Cultivating this practice over time will foster a reputation of professionalism and competence, even when it may seem daunting or intimidating to disappoint others.

You can do anything, but not everything. - David Allen

As important as responding with “no” is, it’s important to be able to receive “nos” ourselves. I used to dislike receiving blunt negatives, and I mistakenly thought I disliked people who answered me in that fashion. However, it was my own insecurity that I hated—facing the reality that my argument wasn’t as well-articulated or documented as it needed to be. We can adopt the same approach in our requests after receiving a “no” by asking questions, listening actively, and providing alternatives.

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