Poor Man’s Queue

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When and How to Use a Database-Based Queue

Broadly speaking, a queue is an asynchronous processing mechanism that allows us to defer tasks that may require heavy processing or depend on remote calls and unstable resources, making them prone to failures and retries. There are many approaches to implementing queues, but they all share the need for a storage engine to keep track of enqueued jobs. Regardless of the storage used, implementations can be designed with varying levels of complexity, flexibility, and scalability. However, we don’t always need a solution that optimizes all these aspects; in many cases, a simple, quick, and disposable alternative is enough to solve an immediate problem.

The Poor Man’s Queue implementation I’ll discuss consists of simply adding a field to database records to indicate whether they have been processed. A scheduled process or daemon performs periodic polling to retrieve, process, and update the enqueued records. Let’s analyze the pros and cons of this approach.




For the basic implementation of a Poor Man's Queue, we will use a table in the database with a field that allows us to identify whether a record is enqueued or has already been processed. We will also implement a process that performs polling and updates the processed records.

1. Table Design

Let’s assume we want to process users pending verification. Our users table could have a specific column to manage the queue:


2. Enqueue Records

When a user requires processing, we mark them as enqueued:

UPDATE users SET queued_at = NOW() WHERE id = 123;

If we have already existing users, we need to determine if they have already been processed in order to queue them, or if only new users need to be queued. If we set a processed_at value, we could use it to queue them:

UPDATE users SET queued_at = NOW() WHERE queued_at IS NULL AND processed_at IS NULL;

3. Consumption Process (Polling Worker)

The worker that processes the records runs periodically and follows these steps:

  1. Select enqueued users, avoiding concurrent locks.
  2. Process them (e.g., validation, document generation, email sending, etc.).
  3. Update the status in the database.

Example in SQL to select enqueued users, preventing another worker from processing the same ones:

WITH to_process AS (
    SELECT id FROM users 
    WHERE queued_at IS NOT NULL AND processed_at IS NULL
    ORDER BY queued_at ASC
    LIMIT 10
UPDATE users
SET processed_at = NOW(), queued_at = NULL
WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM to_process);

Here we are:

Not all SQL engines support SKIP LOCKED natively, but many have mechanisms for row-level locking that can be used in combination with other techniques to achieve similar outcomes.

4. Implementation in Laravel

If we are using Laravel, we can create an Artisan command to run the processing:

Artisan::command('queue:process-users', function () {
    DB::transaction(function () {
        $users = DB::table('users')

        foreach ($users as $user) {
            // Simulating processing
            \Log::info("Processing user: {$user->id}");
                ->where('id', $user->id)
                    'processed_at' => now(),
                    'queued_at' => null
})->describe('Processes users in the queue.');

This command can be run periodically with cron:

* * * * * php artisan queue:process-users

Limitations and Issues of a Poor Man’s Queue

While this approach is useful due to its simplicity, it comes with several limitations and problems that can become critical as the system grows. Below, we detail the main drawbacks and strategies to mitigate them.

1. Inefficient Polling

Unlike specialized systems like Redis, RabbitMQ, or SQS, a Poor Man's Queue based on a database lacks an automatic notification mechanism for new enqueued jobs. This forces workers to perform periodic polling, which can lead to:


2. Concurrency and Locking

If multiple processes attempt to process the same records at the same time, it can lead to locking or duplicate processing. This happens because the database is not designed to function as a distributed queue.


3. Failed and Stuck Jobs

If a process fails before completing a task, the record may remain indefinitely marked as "queued," preventing it from being processed again.


UPDATE users SET queued_at = NOW(), failed_at = NULL 
WHERE failed_at IS NOT NULL AND retries < 3;

4. Limited Scalability

As the volume of jobs grows, the database can become a bottleneck. Each enqueue and dequeue operation involves queries and writes to the database, which can degrade its performance.


5. Lack of History Persistence

Specialized queue systems often provide metrics on processed jobs, execution times, and error rates. In a Poor Man’s Queue, this information is typically lost once a record is updated.


Evolution Strategies: From a Poor Man’s Queue to a More Scalable System

While a Poor Man’s Queue can be useful in certain scenarios, there comes a point where load, concurrency, or the need for more control make this solution inefficient. To avoid critical issues in the future, it's advisable to design the system with clear evolution paths. Here, we explore several strategies for gradually migrating towards more scalable solutions.

1. Separate Queue Logic into a Specific Table

In the basic implementation, queue markers (queued_at, processed_at, etc.) are often added directly to the business tables (e.g., users, orders). This can cause performance issues and make maintenance harder.

Migration Strategy Create a dedicated queue table, for example:

CREATE TABLE queue_jobs (
    entity_id INT NOT NULL,
    entity_type VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    status VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'queued', 
    attempts INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    processed_at TIMESTAMP NULL,
    failed_at TIMESTAMP NULL

Modify the system so that, instead of updating the main tables, it inserts records into this new table. This allows for easier scaling and data cleanup without affecting the business tables.

2. Optimize the Polling Process

Inefficient polling can generate unnecessary queries. Before migrating to an event-based system, optimizations can be implemented in the database.

Migration Strategy

SELECT * FROM queue_jobs 
WHERE status = 'queued'
ORDER BY queued_at ASC

Adjust the polling frequency based on system load.

3. Implement a Notification System Instead of Polling

Continuous polling can be replaced with a notification strategy to reduce the load on the database.

Migration Strategy

4. Migrate to a Distributed Queue System

When the volume of work grows or high availability is required, it’s advisable to migrate to a specialized solution.

Migration Strategy

Migration Phases

5. Make Jobs Idempotent

Regardless of the queue system, jobs should be designed so that if they fail and are retried, the result remains consistent.

Migration Strategy

Examples of Real-World Use Cases

🔹 Temporary Process A team needs to run an ad-hoc command with a high processing load, but no permanent solution is required. For example, processing a million users in a bulk update task. A table with a queued column is created, populated with the users to process, and an iterative process handles them until the task is completed. Once finished, the table and code can be removed without affecting the application's implementation.

🔹 Emergency In an online store, some orders fail because payment confirmation requires a call to an external system that sometimes doesn’t respond. This causes customers to pay, but the order is not recorded correctly. Implementing a more advanced queue system is not feasible immediately, and the problem must be resolved quickly. Using Poor Man’s Queue allows deferring confirmation and retrying in case of failure, mitigating the impact on customers.

🔹 Prototype A new service is in the experimentation phase, and its exact needs are not yet clear. Implementing a robust queue system from the beginning would be costly and premature. Instead, Poor Man’s Queue provides a quick, functional solution that can evolve into a more scalable design once the requirements become clearer.

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